House md season 5 ep 11
House md season 5 ep 11

house md season 5 ep 11

house md season 5 ep 11

House acts nice with the first patient and does a proper examination and tells her she's pregnant. Taub sees House put on a lab coat and go to clinic voluntarily, which is surprising given that House doesn't have clinic duty for the day. Taub thinks it might be tuberculosis because someone at the shelter has it, and stood in line behind the patient for a week. She didn't want to be his guinea pig anymore. Janice doesn't like Foreman because he wouldn't do anything about her nausea and told her to get over it. Thirteen goes to see Janice about why she left the clinical trial. Get him to act nice and Wilson admits that it is, even though he knows it's not going to work. He tells House he should be nice to people, but says House is not capable of sustained niceness. Wilson accuses him of being upset about being alone at Christmas. Wilson wonders why House didn't open his present for a whole year. House orders Taub to get a stool sample and go to the homeless shelter where the patient volunteers and tells the others to do an environmental scan of the patient's home and school. House realizes they know that Wilson gave him the gift. He threatens to tell Cuddy how House feels about her until Kutner breaks up into giggles. Taub tells House to admit to Cuddy how he feels about her, knowing that the present wasn't from Cuddy, but pretending he thinks it was from her. The patient's hallucinations were obviously from the mushrooms, but they don't explain the liver failure and lung problems. The patient has a rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure and crackling lung sounds from pulmonary edema. Wilson appears to know something about the gift and after misleading them, admits he gave it to House last year.Ĭuddy pages Kutner and Taub. Taub and Kutner ask Wilson why House threw away the gift. Soellner gives them permission to treat her for painkiller overdose. The parents tell Cuddy that the patient's behavior changed after she hit puberty - she became much more secretive. The patient is overweight and her classmates are picking on her. She also tells her about her own time in high school. However, they also find painkillers in the patient's locker at the school.Ĭuddy confronts the patient about using the painkillers. Kutner says that he's just screwing with them. Taub and Kutner retrieve the mushrooms and Taub wonders why House threw away the book. Thirteen smiles at Foreman’s jokes and leaves behind a gift - a day at the spa. She asks about Janice Burke, and Foreman tells her that Janice has dropped out of the trial. Foreman is doing an examination of Thirteen. Kutner and Chase confront the patient's classmates, who admit to giving her hallucinogenic mushrooms. He thinks the patient's friends may have slipped her drugs. When Taub retrieves it and opens it, it turns out to be an antique medical text, though House throws it away again. The team finds a present for House, but he tosses it in the trash, unopened.

house md season 5 ep 11

Foreman is on vacation working on his clinical trial, so the case is presented by Cuddy. The patient is 16 and is suffering from hallucinations and liver failure. She stops, but starts to feel faint, vomits and collapses. As they come on stage however, they abandon one of them to sing alternate lyrics insulting one of the teachers. Finally, Cuddy receives an unexpected gift of her own.Īt Robert Payne Academy, teenage girls plot backstage to break up a Christmas pageant. However, when Wilson realizes that House has been manipulating his team over the present, he bets him that he can‘t get a patient to give him a present and, as a result, House has to change his behavior in the clinic and to get a gift, he winds up giving one. House keeps the team guessing about who may have sent him a particularly thoughtful Christmas present.

house md season 5 ep 11

Foreman continues to work with Thirteen on the Huntington's disease drug trial, and their relationship progresses when he learns a valuable lesson from her. They soon find the troubled teen dealt with more than her share of bullying at school, and as her condition continues to deteriorate, the team must delve deeper to get to the bottom of her mysterious illness. House and the team encounter a teenager who collapsed during her high school Christmas program. Joy to the World is a fifth season episode of House which first aired on December 9, 2008.

#House md season 5 ep 11 Patch#

House: " How do I know? I missed my period, got fat, threw up… oh no wait! That’s how you know." Whitney: " What?" House: " I know because of the tight shirt stretched over the swollen boobs, the salt craving you imported into the clinic, the motion sickness patch that doesn’t do anything for the kind of sickness that you feel in the MORNING!" - Joy to the World

House md season 5 ep 11